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Borsa Shanghai apre a -0,02%

epa07644906 A Chinese investor has lunch in front of an electronic board showing the stock prices at a securities brokerage house in Beijing, China, 13 June 2019. China officially launched the highly anticipated science and technology innovation Nasdaq-style board SSE STAR Market, a board to facilitate growth of scientific and innovative startups, at the Shanghai Stock Exchange, 13 June 2019. EPA/WU HONG


(ANSA) – PECHINO, 15 APR – Le Borse cinesi aprono gli scambi poco mosse: l’indice Composite di Shanghai segna una flessione frazionale dello 0,02%, a 2.826,66 punti, mentre quello di Shenzhen si attesta a quota 1.745,05 (-0,02%).


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